Drifting into the night
To find a better life
I live in endless hallucinations

rubberneck @linda-mota

Age 33

Joined on 2/13/10

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Shifts and updates

Posted by linda-mota - June 26th, 2015

Ever go through previous work and pinpoint periods of life where there was a shift in color palettes and themes?

After stalking the mailbox and a few weeks later I made it. I got the confirmation earlier this month.

3205983_143531323832_Screenshot2015-06-26at5.16.42AM.png aw yus.

According to the director there was so much competitinon for space, and the acceptance rate is really small there. When I got that email i wasn't sure if it was a dream or what. It's crazy I'm almost done with what I need to do here, and honestly I didn't think i'd be around to even get my first bachelors. There are few people that stuck around that made the difference with my work and getting shit done. The best part is that they're finishing constructing the last two studios and i'll be able to move into mine by the end of next month the latest.

With that going on I was going through some of my stuff from 2012 and pinpointing some life events that ended up shifting the direction of my stuff. Life is more abstract than any painting or peice of poetry, and it's hard to admit that people can influence your a lot more than you realize. I never liked putting people I hated in my work, their faces will show or some themes revolve around some nasty shit but never people. I always found that to be in poor taste. Putting loved ones, that's sexier than anuything, and probably the highest compliment someone could receive. With that, their precense can affect how the work looks overall. the pallete in my stuff is starting ot change into a pinky flesh tone. I want to contribute that to the one influencing my stuff, but i'm not one to inflate ego here. i'll leave it at that I'm sounding like some narcissictic gallery fucker.

For those who frequent my blog and rubberneck store you'll have noticed a minor facelift for both the sites. I'm not sure if it's because i can't stand ot see things the same for so long, or if it's a response to the slow change that's overcome my work but it look cooler. Also I put the banner which makes it look cool too. Some stuff is gome from the store due to it getting destroyed at my house (another story another time), but things were added in. The metal plates and some of the stuff I brought to philly in april that I still have are there so go ahead and check out the nicer store!

Go here :)

I also was working on one of those trophy things for that NG 20th collab, but ran out of time but here's teh sketches anyway. I wish i made the deadline no one did Dr. Shroud. He's a classic and just plain cool. Though I admit i'm rpetty much a sucker for cool shows with at least one vampire in it. Old habits die hard.

3205983_143531308563_IMG_0664.jpg Some of those trophies in the collab thread looked amazing though, seriously.



Goodnight. :)



Aww, you sure time ran out on the NG character trophy thing? Whirlguy's really depressed everyone's not doing the 20th anniversary collabs... even the writing collab has petered out http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1391640 but we're hoping Tom can come in and finish the last spot!

Still don't have interwebs at home, still waiting on farm sale/no sale. Really enjoyed your update, can't play the depeche mode song to see if I remember it :( Ugh, nothing worse than destroyed art, unless it's a catharsis/clean slate kinda thing. Not surprised you got chosen for the program, between your skill and professional demeanor (kick-ass language skills), it's a no-brainer, big congrats!!1

I can't spell for shit and hav the language skills of some dunk biatch so even them i'm still stunned lol. the deadline for the trohpy thing was like june 21. doing a transparent background would take even longer since i havn't done anyrthing like that since my deviantart days.
omg i'm like a big ass for depeche mode. i have almost all their albums at my house i think i'm just missing some of their really early stuff and i'll be good lol. destroyed art stuff and soem of the preserved animals was brutal as hell, it was bad since the canvas stuff wasn't salvagable. canvas ain't cheap so that was terrible. good luck with the house business tho.

New site looks good... but kinda risky to see at the library!

The collab worked out well, if you haven't finished reading it... Tom did a good job ending it. Yeah lol I forgot how to do transparencies too :/

which site? the tumblr is pretty SFW minus the art pics. I keep it nice in comparison to my personal one. the store's nicer save for some works lol. i havn't checked it out, but i'll give it a looksie. i used to know how to do them too idk what happned.

Well, both look good, but the sale site looks quite fetching! I'll know after 5PM tomorrow if the farm's been sold... then hopefully soon after, have enough dough to buy something modest in the PA outback. Gotta have a place of my own to hang up all the art I own, and I don't need no landlord to tell me I can't put a nail in the wall, know what I mean? I seriously considered renting... I've only got a decade or so of life left (asbestos, smokes)... ah well

smokes take out a few minutes outa yer life, but i guess that's why i've been lukewarm about quitting smoking unless i'm offered it. wow so close for that house, man good luck with that i'm pretty sure they're gonna buy that land though you have an idea what they're gonna do with it? that's the shit thing about renting you got the landlord asying you can't nail shit, and someitmes thy'll try to fuck you over with previous nail holes and say oyu did them. fuck that man..

Yup, farm sold, just as you figured. I apparently put down a 5k deposit on a 1k for 2 month.. thing. So I got 1 1/2 months before the boot... on paper. Complicated, but hey, at least I got internet today. Once I see numbers on my bank statement, I gotta find a place to roost, and a way (person with big truck and trailer and has interstate tags) to transport 2 heavy machines and attachments O_o A kid did take a few crappy pics of the house, but they're only gonna dumpster it, but keep the nicer trees.

So I gotta be suitcase sufficient soon lol

you have time that's a good thing! Sooner the better for your case, though it's sad the farm has to be torn down, it was a rally nice looking place. hopefully they'll make good use of the land.

The new buyer wants to keep most of the hills and trees intact, so that's a good thing. 5 acres of the 14 get 'gifted' to the town for water run off from the roads and roofs. It's kinda like that George Carlin bit about moving house, going on vacation... keep making smaller piles of stuff. So I'll be suitcase ready by Sept. 22nd, even though (one of) the buyer wants me to stay, clean up a bit more, keep farming, but IDK...

I think it's to keep the land healthy, can't rip apart all the plant life, that's no good. Wonder why piece of the land was gifted, unless the guy who bought the land has a deal to work with the town or something. Lol that's a good one, and pretty true once that shit happens. Really? He wants you to stay? Is the house not gonna get taken down or what? Maybe hat might be a good deal depending on how much you know about farming. Think about it. But have teh option to pack and go ready too, don't want to put your eggs in one basket there.

The house and outbuildings (minus the pole barn, I'm sure) will likely get taken down next year, after they've gotten all the approvals and $ together, I imagine. I took a big gamble holding onto the farm stuff, thing is, there isn't much out there in my price range... you know, to farm. I guess I could move into a regular house, sell off the farm stuff, but I'd feel dead inside :p It's been over 15 years since I was able to shoot targets, game and vermin freely here... has to be someplace I can go |:

The only area I know of that lets you do that with a permit is down here in Houston. It's funny since the boars are back and the game warden in my neighborhood might put a reward for those pigs heads if they start increasing their numbers. They're after this 9 ft gator too, they're everywhere man. You can shoot deer out here too, but the trade off is the type of people here. They're weird as fuck. not hillbilly banjo weird, just a different mentality and how they handle themselves. Really off putting. I think for you since you got time is to kinda sit on it and think, have both ends thought out. That's just me though...

I stayed in Austin for a month, heard about the differences in Houston, Dallas. So you're out of school now? Hope the review I left was okay, my brain hurts from an idle game and looking at zillow and craigslist ads for hours... gotta make use of the interwebs!

I heard austin was good, had an opportunity to go there to see depeche mode with someone real close back in 2013, i was still a fatass pillow pants at the time and was too chickenshit to take the ride. learn and grow with that shit. dallas is a dump don't go there. holy shit dude going on those sites for hours can kill your eyes. don't worry i'm not one to rage at critique. if i did i woudn't be in the position im in now. i'm going into grad school the 24th, and still in that business program so no i'm still in school. that peice is kinda weird i'm trying something different where you can/can't see faces and keep a sense of ambiguity. not sure if i'm digging this direction or not...