Making a quick post before i leave for my trip to philly! I said in my last post i'd be bringing some little paintings for anyone who's interested.
Here's some of the little stuff I'll be bringing!
The biggest is the bite and fatass (9x12), and we can talk about price whenever. You'll be bypassing shipping so that's somthign to consider! Also i'm boring so funds go straight to making art shit not any vices. I may see some of you at the pizza thingie Friday afternoon, depends on how I feel. Look out for me i'll be wearing a birdskull necklace. See most of you saturday! Safe trip everyone!
Could you update this to let me know what pieces you have left? Might just not be me buying you know!
I got a video thing to participate in here, worse yet a rush job, but better late than never... Do you have anyone on your friend's list?
All except the burning nephilium (2 row teeth guy) are left! I have a lot of people adding me its so nice though idk if that thisbemoo girl's ng account she looked so cool and was such a sweetiepie. that and the other girl that hung with me who drew a scoobydoo. i think i gave her a card so IF YOU TWO READ THIS ADD MEEEEE