Drifting into the night
To find a better life
I live in endless hallucinations

rubberneck @linda-mota

Age 33

Joined on 2/13/10

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When you clean through your memories, you will confront that which haunts you the most

Posted by linda-mota - September 2nd, 2014

Attempt to self reflect, even if it’s lousy.

 I’m going to treat this as a journal because I actually put thought into it. Not sure if it helps any or not.

The demon you bury into your clutter will eventually resurface, leaving you with the choice to either make peace with it, or let it fester in you until you become a neurotic riddled with stomach ulcers. 

As I slowly finish my undergrad and step towards my masters I decided to take the initiative and begin tossing/donating anything I don’t use so when I take my leave in 2 years I won't have so much weighing me down.  Through the cleaning I found some neat things I thought I lost. I found a copy of Pinocchio Vampire Slayer I thought I lost to a girl who never gave back an old copy of Sandman. (It’s alright though I never gave back her copy of The Walking Dead so in a way we’re even.) It’s a really nifty comic, and it’s pretty self explanatory with Geppetto trying to kill the entire village because he’s a vampire and out of his mind. I found a few other books I thought I lost like MW, a book about dreams and Jung, and a torn up comic with Blade in it. Sadly the comic was beyond repair, but it was wonderful finding things I thought was buried among the junk that has built up over the years. As I tossed more and more things into bags I found other things I never wanted to see again.

I found letters from old friends, a framed picture of a boy I once loved, a folder of old ideas from a goth phase that’s left it’s mark on me and is the butt of jokes with friends from time to time.  The letters would’ve meant something two years back, but I suppose that’s why I still had them. They were from a former friend who would’ve graduated into a partner if he wasn’t a nerd who clung to his mother. He’s a story for another time when waves of nostalgia come to shore. Another letter was from a teacher who thought I was going to shoot up the school and tried to bolster her morality by trying to take in socially awkward students like lost dogs and make them happy devoted servants of God.

None of those letters meant anything so they went straight into the trash.  As they went something was unearthed.

I found an old suicide note I thought I burned. It fell apart as soon as I picked it up. It really didn’t matter if it was intact of not, I’ll never forgot what it said. It was a poorly put together will of all the junk I had in earlier years and a confession of lifelong self loathing and a nihilistic view of the flesh.  That’s yet another story for another time, though I think one or two people know how I feel about that.

I sat there in my closet for what felt like hours, I lost sleep looking through the old junk from family I no longer speak to. It felt really good, like a 25 lb. weight off my back. The weight was still there, but I brushed it off as I found old drawings from 2010/2011 I wanted to post on NG, but lacked the skills to really give it justice. You’ll see them later this week. I debated whether to redraw them, or just keep hem with other snippets of things friends and loved ones have given to me. They will be up as two of them are awfully sentimental.

For the first time in years things in my bedroom looked clean, it didn’t look like the shithole it was becoming 2 and a half years ago. It looks a lot better than the semi shithole from October. I think it’s due to marathoning hoarders, or just sick of sitting in a world of shit. Very few people saw the junk and shit clothes that formed a second floor of my bedroom, if I acted more like my mother’s side of the family I’d be a full blown hoarder. Why do this, why place so much disrespect on your body, life, work, and to an extent your relations with friends and those you love? The shithole affected the way I treated my body. I don’t know when it started but for as long as I can remember it would develop into some sort of cancerous growth, then fade away like the growth is going over treatment. Like addicts it didn’t last long and only got worse. Any kind of infliction of the body on a budget would go on. I think the worst of it was the fat fuck years after highschool.

I don’t remember how I got to that point, I mean how can you get lower than rock bottom unless you dig like a blind rat. I couldn’t go out the normal way via hanging, or something more elegant so a slow death of fatness seemed appropriate. Whatever could drive away any positive potential was great. Fatness and rusty year old razors from hair tools was like a pack of cigarettes to me. I needed it, I needed for everyone to go away so it would make the process go by smoothly. I think it would’ve gone on (or have an intervention at an obscene weight) if something didn’t snap n my head.

It was around the time where I would give anything for the work I do, as time went by I became more devoted to my work and ideas. If it wasn’t anything I didn’t’ want to do I wouldn’t taken the initiative to go to school to learn more of the trade. I figured if I was going to destroy myself I can leave a pretty body and a large body of work that will make people uncomfortable. Of course if you force that goal to make people uncomfortable it’s shit, you have to let it flow out. It’s like a little proverb a kid told me a few years back when I taught munchkins art. “Arting is like a fart If you have to force a fart it’s going to be shit.” That’s beside the point I’ve gotten off track. As everything is being unearthed the old skeleton in the closet bounces on my chest. One day I’ll confront it, I made it this far so what would be the point to ignore it again? It can only go both ways now.

This might as well be a novella at this point; I’ll cut myself short before I go deeper into the rat hole and level up into an even greater melodramatic cunt.

The rubberneck store will have the discount special until October. The code is on the front page and there might be a few knick knacks coming up, but I’m more focused on getting rid of the ratskull necklace since that was an event making it. Waiting for the flesh to rot away, cleaning gnarled fur and bleaching it. It was fun and hopefully it can decorate someone’s neck. 

Store: http://rubberneck.storenvy.com/

Things have been looking up with a huge hiccup within family life, I have a show in November I’m beginning to worry about because ideas have been going around, I wanted to have nothing but animals with human heads, but that changed. It’ll come so I really shouldn’t fret too much. I'm training to be docent for a secrtion in the MFAH so that's pretty neat. Cool stuff it coming this way, I’m going to attempt to put up a story in a similar fashion of the Abby series, or I’ll put them in the art portal if I can’t figure out the programing. I thought about bringing her back, but the story has changed and the original scripts are long gone. Putting an old story with outdated ideas is shit. Thanks for all the support and what not, you all are very good people. Have a nice week. :)

If you're curious about the comic I mentioned you can see the cover where the arrow is!



Okay, goodbye! Thanks for reading!



Wow, that's self reflection and a half! Self reflection can be a blessing and a curse, but you always come out of it with a lesson to learn. I too am doing my own soul searching and while at times it's really hard to make sense of everything, i find peace or the ability to cope with what i went through. I wont write a huge amount in my reply as you seen to have a handle on things, but i learnt about something the other day that my pique your interest: The Johari Window (http://www.mindtools.com/CommSkll/JohariWindow.htm) and i think it may give a little help or understanding as to why self reflection can be important as well as a small understand of how your mind is working whilst reflecting.
I won't offer you masses of clichés because they can be (in their own right) very patronising. However i will offer this one: If at any time you need to talk, rant, scream, cry, whatever; I will always be here to listen and offer advice if needed. You don't have to do this alone.

That was an interesting read, though there's probably quite a mainstream thread running through it. All external stimuli forces change, and when you're young, there's no end to it. Later on you'll be expected to be your own person, but you'll probably be accused of being... who you were when you met them, spent time with them.

Eh, it's too late at night to talk of such things....

It's really the kind of talk that occurs during a delirious 3 a.m. meditation. It comes and goes.

Good luck with the November show. I live on an old farm with too many cats, so I wouldn't be interested in some of what you're offering, but a lot of your artwork does speak to me, just not something I can wear a T-shirt of at my age.

I may have watched some of your movies in the past and faved you (I went over my fave limit, and a lot of folks got lost): Looking forward to seeing your work!

Hey thanks for the add! I think if my stuff speaks to at least a few I must be doing something right. There's a fav limit? Hm, interesting I didn't know that.

It's probably just over a thousand, though I've noticed I've never had more than 1064 (NG members fanned)... guess I'm a packrat of noting/supporting peoples accomplishments. And since there's an upper limit, I guess there's a certain built-in austerity and value to it, to whoever would give a fuck.

At the very least, you've convinced me to pick up all the old bones scattered around the farm, some of which are older than me! Most of them are chicken and pork bones we gave to the plethora of cat we had on the farm... lot of possum, groundhog, if I dug around out back, I'd have horses, ponies, goats, fox, raccoon. Any ideas what I could do with them? Wouldn't want them to get moldy and decay...

Oh how fun! All those bones! If they're ribs, arms, vertebrae, or long bones they can become a necklace. Esty has a ton of artists who do just that and do fairly well. Skull are extra special. They make great decorations for bookshelves, or you'll find a kook who will want a skull. If you find the, disinfect them, but if they have hair/flesh on them submerge the bones in cold water until the flesh is rotted off. bleaching is optional if you want a skull whiter than porcelain.

They are quite old, maybe 10% bleach detail cleaning? I'll keep them well lit, could always bust out a blacklight till they're dry (exposed marrow's going to be an issue). The UV B rays kill bacteria, mold and viruses; they also use specific bulbs in hospitals and water treatment, air ventilation, but don't look at them, you'll go blind :p

Yea that sounds good, nothing too harsh!

In the 90's, I once photoshopped all the dead mice (in their traps) that I caught, and made a nice little ring of them around the edges of a desktop picture... which was a still shot from a Monty Python bit called 'Killer Cars'... towards the end, the 'Killer Cat' looms over Trafalgar square, ready to eat and swat cars. The mice border made a nice accompaniment to the Frankenstein posed Persian, I thought.

sounds like a normal artist from berlin (from what i've been told be colleagues)

Eh, just a novice screwing around, it's not like the mice were preserved in their traps and mounted on a nice frame! Pardon my brain, but is that the old singer from REM, as your user icon?

Nah this is robert smith from The Cure. He's a cool cat that looks like an oldie goth but he's talented enough to get away with it. something i want to get away with when i'm older and not look like a weeb.

Old enough to have heard The Cure's first album, and also old enough to forget O_O I've heard nothing but good things about Robert Smith, but pulling off that look... I used to get all kinds of dirty looks when I had my hair out. It's nice to know some people just don't give a fuck.

I did have my hair just like that, few current friends have seen that era of fucked up pseudo 80s goth hair that looks like someone nutted in your hair in a windtunnel.

Well, when you describe it that way lol, doesn't sound so appealing!

it really isn't because your hair feels dry, tangled, full of cheap hairspray, and smells like dank pit if you don't wash it. But not washing it hives that 80's filthy "i was in the club until 5 am" look

Ah, the peak of hairspray use, I stuck to mousse. Saw one too many chicks with their bangs/fringe on fire, and that at a time when Zippos and Ronsons were still cool.

cooked hair is awful, it smells like musty scrambled eggs

Flamey hair still smells like burning hair, that's how you de fur pigs the easy way. Also (they say) if you need to start a fire, your hair will do to get things started :p

I've never posed for a picture by someone's graveside before... just memorials were no one was buried.

the dead appreciate it so long as you're not cursing in the devil's tongue while fucking someone.

Really? Hmm, wish I had read your response a day earlier... actually, you never know who's buried where, especially in the older places in the world. And I couldn't understand her language, so I wasn't saying much, especially bad words... I could be cussing in Latin, and ppl would know :|

Congrats on teh FP :)

probs explain some weird shit that happens to people haha. an unknown curse because someone did anal on an unmarked grave.

also thanks man. :)

Doing anything for Halloween, dressing up, getting bombed, getting dressed up as a bombed ebola patient?

i was gonna wear a shitty rabbit mask around, but people want like 15 dollars for a shit latex mask like what is that. nah too much. going with a back up plan and lookig like an emancipated vamp. if my buds don't flake or i'm not sloppy seconds with buds might fuck around haloween, not serving customers friday DAY OFF FUCKER. URSELF?

Caught your little front page quote... why shouldn't I wanna self improve?

Me? Blah, nothing, except maybe going to a bar, where the servers narrowly voted to dress up this week. Wonder if the guy servers and staff will also dress up...

You know I don't even remember posting anything up there. it's a habit, posting garbage up on that message thing when half asleep. it's stupid really.

What was stupid: the message, or being able to post a message there?
What you did say there kinda rattled me though :\

both. well, no that's a lie. that little frontpage message quip is really handy in the right hands, not for people with diareah of the mouth.

I don't normally have brown rain coming from my gob, but there's been times my words hit the shit... if I'm caught by surprise, or at a lack of words, sometimes I'll ask/say something sensitive to someone, usually while we're alone, subconsciously trying to find out (the easiest way) who I'm looking at |:

i do that, but to see how much i can reveal myself to someone very lose without driving them away with my shit. sometimes i'll do it on purpose to get them away. no one want's to be with someone with excess luggage.

I like the new test comic, though the text is a little hard to read at that resolution. It reminds me of a friends comic page he did when he was a younger man, though yours is far more expressive and ethereal.

yea i figured the resolution was a bir small. doesn't help i write like i'm having a fucking seizure. :)