Drifting into the night
To find a better life
I live in endless hallucinations

rubberneck @linda-mota

Age 33

Joined on 2/13/10

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Oh man I wanna meet up with you in Germany!!! Where exactly will you go?

Bruh that would be cool. If i'm correct the main place I'd be staying at a place called Atelierhaus Hilmsen. we'll also be bumming around Berlin too. hopefully I'll be able to raise enough for this!!!!!!

Aw shit, this sounds kickass! Totally will check out your store and get some shit, when I get pay lol. But shoot, I hope you can go, that sounds like a great chance to see the world! And if you really need something to hold you over for a while, I got a refurbished computer I been meaning to selling, and since it is refurbished, I would let it go for cheap, just pm me and I will give you the details on it.

And damn, they still sound the same when they came out lol.

OH god man it's been really busy here and just hard to keep in touch with a shitload of people having stuff going on! Oh man this comp is good, I was referring to upgrading since the good illustrator software won't work on mine unless someone knows where i can get a copy of illustrator that works on a mac 10.6.8? Also yea idk what anyone's talking about iron maiden sounds the same but i heard one of them has cancer. they're touring and I'd love to see them before one of them croaks.

I think I'm going to start praying for a woman in my life, who likes Iron Maiden.

I'd like to buy a few prints and a commish or two, only one problem: no forwarding address lol. If I ordered online, could you hold the pieces for a few weeks? When you do shit through a sales site, IDK if there would be a problem. As for a commish, doesn't have to be right away.

Heck i have no problem holding stuff, with the store I use it wouldn't be hard. Even just using paypal for stuff i don't have at that store would be the same. holy shit that would be awesome i;m still at 0 in my fund (waiting for a paycheck). lol holy hell any support is great man! :D

Last time I used Frostwire, I saw some copies of Illustrator for Mac.. but dunno if it would work for your version. Sorry your dreams have been so conflicted, maybe it's enough to fall in love with someone who would never do you any harm. One of my fav quotes from MASH. "Love isn't tailor made, you gotta get it off the rack"

love isn't tailor made holy shit isn't that the truth. Neither is it easy or on perma honeymoon phase. i think people forget that. They come and go (the dreams) so it's something that needs to be able to live with if that makes sense. Frostwire? idk man it seems most programs now only go for a OSX 10.7 instead of 10.6.8.

(hate to spam your post but) holy shit, I only went hungry at home lol, I'm pretty good at curbing my instincts in public... I'd only drool if there were a solid chance at food! But yea prolonged hunger is damn near as bad as prolonged cold, if you don't mind me painting darkly

hunger pains are pretty gnarly, i actually liek that feeling it helps me focus though it's not the healthiest wayto work.

Yeah but after a day or two or three, the pain goes away, then your fat and muscles go away :p But yeah. physical motivation helps fine tune some things, I used to run for a few minutes before performing, depending on the scenes.

Ohyea and it can mess with your metabolism and muscle. My campus has a gym for free been doing that and slowly incresasing the time there. it's nice.

Huh, Tom does the gym too, even while doing conventions, like the one he's at now in FL (the walkthrough got delayed on my end, so I couldn't see him off) Even though I've been carrying and pulling on heavy shit for the past 2months, I should keep my muscles active daily. Blah, this the first time in my life, I've got no dirt or ancient relics to play with :( it;s all paved and concreted around here. Fuck it, I'm gonna attack the free breakfast here, it;s super effective with sausages and scrambled eggs

I used to be a sausage fiend, not in the hanky panky sense but i used to eat them alot. That can be interpreted weird too. Breakfast sausage was good, but i can't eat them anymore they make me feel ill. being active is so important man, i can stya in teh studio 5+ hours and that's bad, and leads to flat ass i-stay-on-tumblr syndrome..

Phallic undertones aside, (I missed breakfast this morning) the sausages here were boiled and steamed, so no bad tummy syndrome. I did get a cup of joe and wander around outside, still don't wanna do shit, still tired and sore from all the moving, stress :p

Heard you've got rain, enough to sweep away a train? That sucks :\

In all honesty I'm more of a fish and chicken type of person. Not a fan of beef and pork (unless someone offers). Holy hell does coffee do wonders though. Ohyea it's flooding, i'm at work but i'm able to use the net d get some work done. it floods bad here

Damn, you should have access to at least once-frozen steer beef... once you get on the east side of the mississippi, all that shit's been frozen 2, 3 times :p I haven't had enough fish lately, my cousin hasn't dropped any fillets on me in a while. Next time I go back to jersey, there;s this one place I gotta try!

I've got a cousin a few miles north and inland from corpus christi, feared for them many times

the last time i had beef someone made it so i had it. it's tx i live near cows so i see this cow stuff all the time lol. fry up some cod in vineger and cayene spice andit's amazing.

i'mnot sure how corpus is doing, galavston's a mess and my area flooded so bad i got off work today.

I'll try to remember white vinegar and cayenne, sounds decent... usually use butter, makes everything better.

Sounds bad, better stay put till more roads open, and hope the bridges are still okay. Joaquin washed away a lot of the sand (NJ) that was built up since Sandy, one or two more hits like the last one, and bye-bye shoreline

I like using olive oil, i only use butter if im making something for a guy because guys like butter better.
ohyea i'm not risking roads fuck that. though it sounds like it stopped raining outsie though.

I used to love cooking for my dates/lovers, but usually they were always distracted by something else that ultimately put the kibosh on the evening and the relationship, lol the way my luck rolls

I only cook for those I love that's my policy, or if someone did me a huge favor and they deserve the food..

Scooby Doo's Fred Gives Head 2? Really? This is in your favorites?
I will say this, the guy who animated it, likely knew (cool) women would love it

hey wardog is hilarious

Checked out some of his other stuff... yup, he's certifiable. Had to fan him as well.

Hey, I'm insane. Yup. Fit the definition to a T.
Out of all your artistic online postings, which piece depicts inssanity best? Link plz;)thx