That was an interesting read, though there's probably quite a mainstream thread running through it. All external stimuli forces change, and when you're young, there's no end to it. Later on you'll be expected to be your own person, but you'll probably be accused of being... who you were when you met them, spent time with them.
Eh, it's too late at night to talk of such things....
Wow, that's self reflection and a half! Self reflection can be a blessing and a curse, but you always come out of it with a lesson to learn. I too am doing my own soul searching and while at times it's really hard to make sense of everything, i find peace or the ability to cope with what i went through. I wont write a huge amount in my reply as you seen to have a handle on things, but i learnt about something the other day that my pique your interest: The Johari Window ( and i think it may give a little help or understanding as to why self reflection can be important as well as a small understand of how your mind is working whilst reflecting.
I won't offer you masses of clichés because they can be (in their own right) very patronising. However i will offer this one: If at any time you need to talk, rant, scream, cry, whatever; I will always be here to listen and offer advice if needed. You don't have to do this alone.