The mustard is what is truly nasty. The fat guy in a dirty apartment is understandable, but mustard is gross. I may have to quit reading your blog now... hehehe.
Drifting into the night
To find a better life
I live in endless hallucinations
Age 33
Joined on 2/13/10
The mustard is what is truly nasty. The fat guy in a dirty apartment is understandable, but mustard is gross. I may have to quit reading your blog now... hehehe.
It's peanut butter.
Well then, I shall continue to pay attention to your posts because I like peanut butter!
chunky peanut butter is where its at.
that fat ass got a cool women , that can gave hope for so many people
If there's one thing I've lerned is that there's someone for everyone despite what everyone says. Har Har.
wow i really need to pay more attention to your posts o.O
What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Don't be a pussy there's much worse.